10 Things Boomers Take for Granted But Gen Z Won’t

Generational differences have always shaped the way people perceive the world. Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) grew up in a very different era than Generation Z (born from the late 1990s to early 2010s). This contrast has led to a unique set of experiences and perspectives. In this blog, we’ll explore ten things Boomers often take for granted but Gen Z is less likely to do so, reflecting the evolving nature of society.

  1. Access to Information:Boomers grew up in an era where information was primarily found in libraries, newspapers, and encyclopedias. Gen Z, on the other hand, grew up with the internet, smartphones, and immediate access to a vast wealth of information at their fingertips.
  2. Privacy:With the digital age came a reduction in personal privacy. Gen Z is more conscious of their digital footprint and the potential consequences of oversharing on social media. Boomers may not be as cautious.
  3. Stable Job Market:Many Boomers enjoyed relative job stability and company loyalty throughout their careers. Gen Z faces a job market characterized by gig work, contract employment, and a greater focus on adaptability.
  4. Climate Change Awareness:Gen Z is acutely aware of the climate crisis and is often more proactive about sustainable living. Boomers grew up in a time when environmental concerns were not as prominent.
  5. Gender and Sexual Identity:Gen Z is generally more accepting and understanding of diverse gender and sexual identities. This is in contrast to a time when such topics were often not discussed openly or understood by Boomers.
  6. Social Activism:Gen Z has been at the forefront of various social and political movements, including Black Lives Matter and climate action. While some Boomers participated in social activism, Gen Z is known for its high level of engagement.
  7. Technology Proficiency:While Boomers have had to adapt to changing technology, Gen Z has grown up as digital natives. They’re often more proficient with various tech tools and platforms.
  8. Student Debt and Education Costs:Many Gen Z individuals face substantial student loan debt, unlike Boomers who had more affordable education options. The cost of education and student debt is a significant concern for Gen Z.
  9. Health and Well-being:Gen Z places a strong emphasis on mental and emotional well-being. They’re more likely to seek therapy and openly discuss mental health issues. Boomers might have taken a more stoic approach.
  10. Housing Affordability:The affordability of housing has become a significant issue for Gen Z, particularly in metropolitan areas. Boomers often had easier access to affordable housing options.


As society evolves, so do the experiences and perspectives of each generation. While Baby Boomers may have taken some aspects of their world for granted, Generation Z is growing up in an environment where many of these things have changed significantly. The generational shift highlights the importance of adaptability, understanding, and intergenerational dialogue in our ever-changing world. Both generations have valuable insights to offer, and bridging the gap between them can lead to a more inclusive and empathetic society.

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